BIANCA GRAY's profile

SANBS Blood donation


Touch point 1

Video is designed for mobile first!
Showcasing the amount of blood it take to save someone and the amount of blood is needed.

The concept is using 3 point of scenarios of the amount of blood that is needed. 1. Babies need 3 teaspoons. 2. Heart surgery needs 5 blood donors. 3. Leukemia treatment need 8 donors every week. How every 2 sec someone needs blood. To be shown in black and white images and red and white typography.
Creating awareness campaign. 

SMP : 1 Donate can save 3 lives.

Touch point 2


Blood bag  that says “ your donation could save” ,  on the ground in front of the  bench. The bench is a silhouette of 3 people with place next to it for someone to sit where they can read the message on the ground that direct to the bench showing that  “ your donation could save” 3 lives.

Touch point 3

Web banner ad - photo of 3 people saying 1 donation can save 3 lives. Also in black and white image withe red and white typography.
SANBS Blood donation

SANBS Blood donation
